What have we been up to? Here are twelve that I found in my gratefulness journal.
1. I started my Miracle Mornings (again, I know, but at least I keep at it), so I’m believing I’m one of the Elite Entrepreneurs and Olympian one-percenters that do this every morning:
S Silence
A Affirmations
V Visualise
E Exercise
R Read
S Scribe
Have you read this book? It is a game-changer. I read it on audible several times while running, but I’m convinced I need the book so I can mark it all up.
2. I did hire an assistant full time. Kelly is a joy to our community and family.
3. I’ve also been blessed with a virtual assistant and coach. He asks me inquisitive questions to guide me to a better conclusion.
I’d love training on how to hire. YL does such an amazing job at it, a skill I’m sure. Their employees have kindness and a nonjudgemental voice.
4. We are learning the east coast swing and night club 2 step for Juliah’s wedding Aug 9th and we want to be ready to have fun!
5. I am training with Richard Bliss’s “60 Day Run to Rank”. I’m on day 32 and I have had 32 invites and 8 of them want to do the business (we are supposed to have 1 invite a day and an invite is a yes not a maybe or no). His training is simple but tough because sometimes we have to do things that are uncomfortable. I am so grateful he is sharing his wisdom with us at such a low fee. We are truly blessed to have him and Kimmie.
6. Goldin6 with Marth Krejci (all online). I have many members who believe they can build their business online but they don’t have much growth. Maybe I’ll learn some tips for them.
7. We were honored with Tom Schreiter (Big Al) and his son Keith doing zoom calls for us on “Ice Breakers” and “How to get any prospect to beg you for a presentation”.
8. I signed up 84 members the last 3 months. Such beautiful people, God has been bringing into my life.
9. To be a part of ‘going green’ with Young Living, my husband has been enjoying his beautiful work of art garden (except for the constant struggle with critters and bugs) along with the vegetables he planted 20 fruit trees and they are starting to show fruit. He has a worm farm, built three henhouses for the 65 hens and roosters, hatched many eggs (some survived and some didn’t), chopped down a lot of trees before they bulked up with leaves. They were shading his grapevine, built tresses for the grapevine, and planted rows of the lavender to line the driveway for beauty, smell, and to attract the bees. Yes, he has already bought the tools to learn how to care for bees, maybe make some lavender honey one day.109. Mike makes Kombucha for the family with many flavors – even with NingXia Red and/or oils. Tonight I tried his blueberry and watermelon flavor, it was very tasty. He makes Kefir now too, it is surprisingly delicious. Mike has gut issues so he is trying to build healthy flora through foods.
10. Recycling. We have been married 38 years and it is terrible we never did this before. Our garbage is only a small amount now if any. Mike’s patience was tried because the questions you ask love all the boxes from YL and uses them for his gardening and chicken coop. I have to admit though, with Preston and Juliah living with us we were not easy to crack. Mike was constantly reminding us, “Why is this in the garbage, it could feed my chickens”.
12. Let’s chat about grandbabies. I have one, Alberto Jared (AJ) around 20 months old and he is so adorable. Since he lives in Florida, my daughter may facetime me almost every day.
Maybe you already do these things, but we were born and raised in the city and the transition has been a challenge.
Feeling Grateful,
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